
Conveniently located to serve San Jose

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Elevate your intimate experience with Vitalia in San Jose. Vitalia is a vaginal-rejuvenation treatment that uses radiofrequency (RF) energy to stimulate collagen production in one’s intimate area, tightening the tissues.

Vitalia is non-surgical and FDA-approved. Schedule your consultation to learn more about how the treatment can help you improve wellness, sensation, and pelvic control.

What Is Vitalia?

Vitalia is a temperature-controlled radiofrequency probe designed to tighten and rejuvenate the vagina. The heat energy from radiofrequency energy encourages enhanced collagen and elastin production in the vaginal canal.

This process also promotes the tightening of vaginal tissue, which enhances sensitivity and restores natural lubrication to relieve dryness. Vitalia is an alternative to using hormones to treat issues in the intimate area.

Not only can Vitalia achieve effective vaginal tightening and rejuvenation, it can also treat stress incontinence and urge incontinence. Stress incontinence is bladder leakage experienced when patients laugh, cough, sneeze, lift heavy objects, or jump. Urge incontinence is an unexpected and immediate need to urinate.

These forms of urinary incontinence result from the gradual weakening of the muscles that control the bladder. By tightening the pelvic floor muscles and other tissues, Vitalia adds support to the bladder, restoring control.

Many patients choose to combine Vitalia treatment with PRP G-spot treatment to improve sexual satisfaction and intimacy lightening to restore a more natural tone to the area. This combination provides enhanced vaginal rejuvenation. Ask about these options during your consultation to find out more.

How Does Vitalia Work?

Hormonal changes experienced during the aging process can lead to various health concerns, such as vaginal laxity, dryness, and low sexual pleasure. Since the vagina consists of smooth muscles and tissues, increasing collagen and elastin production can also help improve these concerns.

Vitalia is a probe that delivers RF energy into the deeper layers of the skin, where collagen and elastin are produced. Production of new collagen and elastin in the vagina restores health and function.

Am I a Good Candidate for Vitalia?

The best candidates for a Vitalia treatment are women who want to improve vaginal laxity and dryness. It is a good option for women who cannot undergo hormone treatments for improving intimate wellness.

Vitalia is not recommended for women who are pregnant or diabetic. Women who have medical conditions like autoimmune diseases or herpes should explore other alternatives.

Happy pretty asian woman in sexy lingerie sitting on bed

Your Vitalia Consultation

During your Vitalia consultation, you will be asked about your intimate concerns, your goals, and your complete medical history. This will help confirm if you are eligible for the treatment.

Once you are eligible, an overview of the treatment process, timeline, and possible results will be discussed. Questions are highly encouraged.

Medical Professionalism


Our medical spa is managed by the team at Cupertino Facial Esthetics. This means you’ll receive premium care using only FDA-approved hyaluronic acid fillers, and all services are offered by our experienced team of medical providers.

At Cupertino, our approach to anti-aging starts with the foundation of your skin: Promoting collagen stimulation and allowing your body to regenerate its own natural collagen and elastin. We begin to lose collagen and elastin starting in our early 20’s. If we can work on restoring that naturally with treatments such as PROFOUNDRF, Potenza RF, Microneedling with PRP, or biostimulators, such as Sculptra Aesthetics, dermal fillers can then be used minimally—as we can create, shape, and sculpt a more naturally enhanced you.

This approach leaves you with longer-lasting results, and a more effective treatment.

Our consultation process starts with a complete analysis and assessment of your skin and your short-term and long-term goals. This leads us toward a custom treatment plan consisting of proper medical-grade skin care and the treatments that are right for you. *As a member of The Cakery Infusions, you can enjoy 10% off all Cupertino Facial Esthetics treatments and services!

Schedule your complimentary virtual or in-person consultation to get started on achieving a more refreshed and rejuvenated you.

Your Vitalia Session

A Vitalia session begins with preparing the device. No preparation is needed on the patient’s end.

The handpiece will then be inserted into the vaginal canal. Patients will feel a mild heat sensation. Our Vitalia technicians will adjust the settings to ensure patient comfort. The whole session lasts for about 30 minutes.

Vitalia Aftercare

You can resume your normal activities after a Vitalia treatment. There is no downtime or recovery time needed after the treatment. For 24 hours after a Vitalia treatment, it is highly recommended to avoid heavy lifting, exercise, and sexual intercourse.

Collagen and elastin production will take at least 30 days to show results after your first session. Your next session can be done in four weeks, and three treatment sessions are required.

How Much Does Vitalia Cost?

The cost of Vitalia varies from client to client. Price may vary based on the patient’s goals, along with certain other factors. Speak with our financing department to discuss available payment options.

Contact Us to Learn More

To learn more about Vitalia in San Jose, contact The Cakery Infusion at (408) 622-6974 and book a consultation. Our team of intimate wellness experts will listen to your concerns and develop a treatment program that can help you achieve your intimacy wellness goals.

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The Cakery Infusions is uniquely posed to offer you the total package. If you are looking for a wellness lounge in and around San Jose, Los Gatos, Campbell, and Saratoga, schedule your tour today and discover what all the hype is about. Book an appointment to learn more about our services.